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銅鑼灣 駱克道498號 合亞大廈 21樓|centaline commercial

銅鑼灣 駱克道498號 合亞大廈 21樓

22/11/2024 | office

銅鑼灣 軒尼詩道523-527號 澳門逸園中心 7樓|centaline commercial

銅鑼灣 軒尼詩道523-527號 澳門逸園中心 7樓

22/11/2024 | office

灣仔 港灣道26號 華潤大廈 41樓01-2室|centaline commercial

灣仔 港灣道26號 華潤大廈 41樓01-2室

21/11/2024 | office

銅鑼灣 駱克道498號 合亞大廈 21樓|centaline commercial

銅鑼灣 駱克道498號 合亞大廈 21樓

22/11/2024 | office

銅鑼灣 軒尼詩道523-527號 澳門逸園中心 7樓|centaline commercial

銅鑼灣 軒尼詩道523-527號 澳門逸園中心 7樓

22/11/2024 | office

灣仔 港灣道26號 華潤大廈 41樓01-2室|centaline commercial

灣仔 港灣道26號 華潤大廈 41樓01-2室

21/11/2024 | office

sold and leased transactions | centaline commercial-凯发真人k8

transaction date usage district property name floor unit area transaction price sale/ft² source
23/11/2024 retail tai po shop -- 1,250 ft² approx leased
@32 market news
23/11/2024 retail tsuen wan
127chuen lung street
shop -- 600 ft² approx leased
@97 market news
23/11/2024 retail aberdeen
5sai on street
shop -- 600 ft² approx leased
@233 market news
22/11/2024 office sheung wan mid -- 600 ft² approx leased
@23 market news
22/11/2024 office sheung wan low -- 7,922 ft² approx leased
@50 market news
22/11/2024 office central mid -- 1,061 ft² approx leased
@53 market news
22/11/2024 office wan chai low -- 451 ft² approx leased
@40 market news
22/11/2024 office wan chai mid -- 2,635 ft² approx leased
@40 market news
22/11/2024 office causeway bay high -- 1,023 ft² approx leased
@36 market news
22/11/2024 retail yuen long shop -- 220 ft² approx sold
@11,364 market news
22/11/2024 retail tsim sha tsui
upstairs shop -- 950 ft² approx leased
@47 market news
22/11/2024 retail tseung kwan o shop -- 647 ft² approx leased
@170 market news
22/11/2024 office jordan mid -- 413 ft² approx leased
@31 market news
22/11/2024 retail western district shop -- 1,439 ft² approx leased
@89 market news
22/11/2024 office jordan low -- 680 ft² approx leased
@26 market news
22/11/2024 office mongkok mid -- 1,120 ft² approx leased
@30 market news
22/11/2024 office mongkok high -- 1,150 ft² approx leased
@30 market news
22/11/2024 retail tsim sha tsui
wai wah buildinggranville road
shop -- 400 ft² approx leased
@113 market news
22/11/2024 retail tsim sha tsui shop -- 2,700 ft² approx leased
@130 market news
22/11/2024 office kowloon bay high -- 2,146 ft² approx leased
@22 market news
22/11/2024 office kowloon bay low -- 2,075 ft² approx leased
@19 market news
22/11/2024 retail tsim sha tsui
grand building (tst)granville circuit
-- (52)b 565 ft² approx leased
@94 land search
22/11/2024 retail sham shui po
13un chau street
shop -- 2,000 ft² approx leased
@25 market news
22/11/2024 office central high -- 1,169 ft² approx leased
@30 market news

tai po

leased $40,000 @32

po shing buildingnam shing street shop

market news

retail | 1,250 ft² approx

tsuen wan

leased $58,000 @97

127chuen lung street shop

market news

retail | 600 ft² approx


leased $140,000 @233

5sai on street shop

market news

retail | 600 ft² approx

sheung wan

leased $14,000 @23

arion commercial centre mid

market news

office | 600 ft² approx

sheung wan

leased $396,100 @50

181 queen's road central low

market news

office | 7,922 ft² approx


leased $56,000 @53

china building mid

market news

office | 1,061 ft² approx


wan chai

leased $18,000 @40

tesbury centre low

market news

office | 451 ft² approx

wan chai

leased $105,400 @40

shui on centre mid

market news

office | 2,635 ft² approx

causeway bay

leased $36,828 @36

coasia building high

market news

office | 1,023 ft² approx

yuen long

sold $2.50m @11,364

wun fat bldgwang fat path shop

market news

retail | 220 ft² approx

tsim sha tsui

leased $44,650 @47

kam lung commercial centrehart avenue upstairs shop

market news

retail | 950 ft² approx

tseung kwan o

leased $110,000 @170

bauhinia gardentong chun street shop

market news

retail | 647 ft² approx


leased $13,000 @31

hang bong commercial centre mid

market news

office | 413 ft² approx

western district

leased $128,000 @89

aspen courthigh street shop

market news

retail | 1,439 ft² approx


leased $17,680 @26

wing kwok centre low

market news

office | 680 ft² approx


leased $33,600 @30

hollywood plaza mid

market news

office | 1,120 ft² approx



leased $34,500 @30

hollywood plaza high

market news

office | 1,150 ft² approx


tsim sha tsui

leased $45,000 @113

wai wah buildinggranville road shop

market news

retail | 400 ft² approx

tsim sha tsui

leased $350,000 @130

mary buildingpeking road shop

market news

retail | 2,700 ft² approx

kowloon bay

leased $48,000 @22

billion centre - tower a high

market news

office | 2,146 ft² approx

kowloon bay

leased $40,000 @19

telford house low

market news

office | 2,075 ft² approx

tsim sha tsui

leased $53,000 @94

grand building (tst)granville circuit (52)b

land search

retail | 565 ft² approx

sham shui po

leased $50,000 @25

13un chau street shop

market news

retail | 2,000 ft² approx


leased $35,070 @30

hang shun bldg. high

market news

office | 1,169 ft² approx


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