address 41 king yip street, kwun tong
usage office
grade a
transaction sale
management company savills property management limited
height 4.025m (3-32/f)
developers viva properties development
29-storey & 3 basements
area office whole floor 14,551 to 16,969 sq ft approx.
transportation mtr, bus, minibus, taxi, ferry
view east kowloon victoria harbour seaview
carpark yes
a/c system vrv water cooled system
description - kowloon east cbd2, involving hundred-billion infrastructure investment
- enjoying east kowloon victoria harbour sea view
- closed to greenery landscape and tsui ping river
- grade a intelligence building with full 5g coverage
- just approx. 8 mins walks to mtr kwun tong station
- the building provides about 162 car parking spaces
- practical layout with approx. 70% efficiency
- spacious office with ceiling height about 4.025m
- grand entrance lobby