address 32 hung to road, kwun tong
usage office
grade a
transaction sale
height 3.50m (office) (floor-to-floor height)
developers qf capital
35 storeys
area office from 581 to whole floor 6,542 sq ft approx.
transportation mtr, bus, minibus, taxi
carpark yes
a/c system water-cooled split air conditioning system
description - kowloon east cbd2, involving hundred-billion infrastructure investment
- facing the world-class waterfront hub of kowloon east, enjoys the 10-year development achievements of "energizing kowloon east"
- the new eye-catching landmark "the millennity" and horizon bay are just a stone's throw away
- mtr ngau tau kok station and kwun tong station are strategically located, only takes about 6 minutes to walk to the mtr station
- upper mid floor can enjoy the view of victoria harbour
- the building provides about 84 private car parking spaces
- sky garden is located at 18/f, brings comfort and relax to the hustle city life
- private platforms are available for some units
- water inlet and outlet in each unit
- elegant and luxury outlook, enhance the quality of life